Woman laying down…

My grandparents used to tell me that the mountain, Dookʼoʼoosłííd, was a woman laying down.

When you drive in from the north, you can see her face, her breasts, her stomach, her knees, her feet.

I think fondly of the times I was in love, and saw that same image next to me..

I am 44 years old now, my hair is graying, but believe it now, stronger than i did in the 80s as Nalis spoiled grandson running around in the desert.

I am a lucky man to have the honor and privilege to help keep her safe, and to work along side all the people who protect her.

In my mid life, I get frustrated with myself a lot. I wake up sad thinking of all the mistakes I have made.

I have a hard time looking at myself, because I see old scars, scars that ache in the night and scream their stories into my ear…

They tell me of all the times I threw down and lost but after laying in the dirt catching my breath, I limp back onto that wild horse, because I always hear my uncles voice in my head telling me to get back on, otherwise it think it can control you…

Every so often, i feel a moment of confidence, that maybe I actually know what I am doing, and maybe every wrong road I ever took, was actually the creator bringing me to this point…

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